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10 Surprising Benefits of Groundedness

Looking up at the tops of palm trees

Being grounded means staying anchored in the present, calm focused, and in control. It’s a powerful quality that allows you to draw on your inner resources to navigate the ups and downs of life with admirable positivity and confidence.

But groundedness has myriad other benefits that can dramatically impact your overall well-being and improve your life. Here are 10 surprising benefits that you may not have associated with groundedness:

1. Improves Digestion

Digestive issues are almost always a result of tension and stress. Groundedness dramatically reduces stress and tension, allowing your digestive system to function optimally and stay healthy.

2. It Makes You a Better Listener

Groundedness fosters mindfulness, which means you are more present and attentive during conversations. You become more tuned into the nuances of tone and body language so that you pick up on unuttered messages as well.

Naturally, when you listen better, your responses are more appropriate and relevant. In addition to making you popular and well-liked (everyone appreciates a good listener), it helps you avoid misunderstandings and conflict.

3. It Boosts Immunity

Stress, fear and anxiety wreak havoc on the immune system. It goes into overdrive trying to reduce and stabilize the flood of stress hormones rushing through your body, which exhausts and weakens the immune system.

The result? A weak immune system is less able to detect and attack harmful antigens and viruses; leaving you open to infections and disease.

4. It Makes You Modest

Humility and modesty are natural byproducts of groundedness. You take quiet pride in your accomplishments but also gain wisdom to understand your relative insignificance in the big scheme of things.

Modesty will foster your groundedness further because you're no longer under pressure to seek praise and approval.

5. It Makes You Grateful

Groundedness slows you down and allows you to appreciate the blessings and abundance around you. You begin to focus less on what you lack and more on all the wonderful things and people you already have in your life.

6. It Kills Toxic Emotions

Controlling your emotions is one of the most empowering results of being grounded. Groundedness keeps you centered on calm rationality rather than letting your emotions get the better of you.

You are able to temper and release toxic emotions quickly and respond to stressful situations with maturity and calm,

7. It Improves Relationships

Groundedness is a massive trust and respect-builder. It fosters attractive qualities that are appealing to others. At the same time, it fosters qualities that allow you to value, accept and respect others. The respect? Strong, healthy relationships all around!

8. It Fosters Empathy

Your own powerful self-acceptance breeds empathy and compassion for others. You become less judgmental, less quick to blame and more tolerant of your fellow human beings.

Empathy rids you of stressful emotions like envy, resentment, and jealousy, boosting your overall peacefulness and inner calm.

9. It Relieves Aches and Pains

Headaches, muscle cramps, and general aches and pains become a thing of the past when you're grounded. As long as there's no underlying issue these problems are commonly due to tension and stress.

Groundedness improves overall health. You'll feel a difference in your energy, stamina, clarity, and well-being. Additionally, groundedness protects you in the long run from numerous stress-related diseases.

10. It Helps You Sleep Better

This is probably a no-brainer and may not really be surprising. You can expect your sleep quality to soar when you practice groundedness. You'll fall asleep faster, sleep deeply and restfully, and wake up feeling super refreshed and more grounded!

While some of these benefits may come as a surprise to you, here's something more surprising to consider: Can you notice how all of these benefits foster each other and foster stronger groundedness? Once you start developing groundedness, an amazing loop is created that becomes unbreakable. Groundedness breeds empowering benefits, the benefits work together to foster more groundedness and the cycle continues!

If you're not grounded in your life, it's time to do yourself a favor and get started with these simple tips. If you're a beginner, practice groundedness techniques to start building your groundedness loop. If you're a groundedness veteran, keep that loop going strong! Wherever you are right now, groundedness is a win-win situation.


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