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4 Ways to Declutter Your Mind & Gain Mental Clarity

A statue head with a red snake sitting on top

If you aren't able to think clearly, or easily make decisions, it could mean that you are dealing with a case of mental clutter. With our hectic lives and 24/7 access to the media, it can be easy to become overwhelmed with all that we have to do.

Unfortunately, this can make us perceive things as worse than they really are because we continue to think about them rather than take action to solve our issues. When this happens, it's time for a mental detox. Here are four ways that you can declutter your mind and gain more mental clarity.

Get Clear on Your Priorities

You can reduce decision fatigue and declutter your mind by getting clear on what is important to you. Whatever your priorities are in life, use them to help you make essential decisions and eliminate the mental clutter that often comes with trying to decide what to focus on.

Create a System for Ideas

Too many of us have so many thoughts, ideas, and dreams that we don't know what to do with them, so they sit in our brains and clutter our minds. They can quickly start to overwhelm you rather than help you. You can save all these thoughts and ideas, and still make more headspace by creating a system for storing your ideas.

Whether you choose to store them in a physical notebook, Google Drive, or with the help of Evernote, stick all your thoughts and ideas in a single place where you will always know where to locate them. The next time an idea pops into your mind, immediately save it to your dedicated location.

Consume Information Mindfully

Thanks to our 24/7 access to social media and the Internet, we end up consuming way more information on a daily basis than we need. Some of the data is useful, but much of it simply clutters our minds with unnecessary details.

While it is essential to learn new things, it is even more important to be able to put the information to good use. If you learn something new, tell someone about it so that it doesn't clutter your mind.

Be Willing to Let Go

Regularly free up space in your brain to keep it from becoming cluttered. You must be willing to let go and not react to every thought or idea that you have. At the end of the night, take the time to make a list of everything that’s floating around in your head so that you can sleep better and wake up with a clear mind.

Keep these five tips in mind to help you declutter your mind and help you gain more mental clarity and enjoy greater success in your life.


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