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5 Grounding Exercises That Relieve Stress & Promote Calm

Sandy beach with waves coming in from the right

Staying calm and emotionally grounded is directly proportionate to your stress levels. Stress derails the body and mind from functioning optimally and derails you from being productive and efficient. More importantly, stress can take an immense toll on your inner peace and mental calm, causing you to feel depressed and unfulfilled.

Staying grounded is as easy as practicing the following groundedness techniques on a regular basis. Not only will they have an immediate effect but they'll also keep you grounded and able to function at your calmest best throughout the day.

1. Body Scan

This grounding technique helps you become calm and grounded by tuning into the physical body.

  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Take 5 deep breaths and close your eyes.

  • Starting with your feet, bring your full attention to that area and notice what you feel. Feel the blood pulsing through your toes and notice any sensations such as aching or tingling.

  • Slowly shift your attention to your calves and focus on the sensation there, then continue the scan moving up your legs and to your knees.

  • Continue moving upwards, focusing on each area of your body, and reflect on any sensations you feel.

  • When you reach the crown of your head, focus on any sensations there.

  • Don't judge any sensations as good or bad. Simply note them saying, "I feel a slight ache here" or "All is well here."

  • Conclude the scan by taking three deep breaths and opening your eyes.

2. Anchoring

Ideally, this exercise should be done outdoors in nature but if that's not possible, the floor will be fine.

  • Sit down cross-legged on the ground. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.

  • Bring your attention to the lower part of your body that's touching the ground. Notice the feel of the ground against your buttocks, thighs, and legs. Allow this area to get heavy and visualize it becoming one with the ground beneath you.

  • Visualize a beam of violet-colored energy coming up through the ground beneath you and slowly spreading through your lower body.

  • Feel the vital energy of Mother Earth calming and grounding you to the earth.

  • Allow the energy to fill your lower body completely then feel it moving upwards until your whole body is engulfed in the healing violet light.

  • Feel the energy revitalizing your body and relieving any tension or tiredness.

  • When you feel fully grounded and calm, take three deep breaths and open your eyes.

3. Mindful Eating

  • Sit down for a proper meal and bring your full attention to the food in front of you. Take a few moments to mindfully observe the colors of the food, how it's arranged, and its aroma.

  • Begin eating, chewing slowly, and savoring the texture and flavor of the food in your mouth. Don't take a new mouthful until you've swallowed the first.

  • Stay mindful of your meal and fully enjoy the experience, dismissing any distracting thoughts.

  • Observe your hunger levels as you eat and don’t continue eating once you feel full.

When you're done, you'll feel calm, grounded, and uplifted.

4. Mindful Observation

  • Take a short pause and mindfully observe an object in the room. This could be a mug on your desk, a magazine cover, a rug, or even your own shoes.

  • Focus fully on that one object, noticing specific features, patterns, or colors. You can also pick up an object and hold it in your hand, noting its feel and texture.

  • Continue being mindful of the object for as long as you need to until you feel calm and grounded.

5. Mindful Silence

  • Choose a very quiet spot where you will not be distracted by any noise. Sit or lie down comfortably and close your eyes.

  • Listen to the silence around you, and how wonderfully relaxing it feels. Visualize your body slowly expanding and merging into the silence.

  • Feel your stress and anxiety fall away as you continue to be one with the silence.

  • Continue the exercise for as long as you feel comfortable until you feel anchored and peaceful.

Your inner peace and tranquility are the pillars of groundedness. They're achieved by mastering your emotions, keeping your mood balanced, and your stress levels down.

These 5 grounding exercises are designed to do just that. Practice them whenever you feel the need to feel a little more grounded in your day.


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