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Essential Boundary Types for Ultimate Self-Care

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Setting boundaries is the ultimate form of self-care. It is the fruition of all of the inner work you have done to know and respect yourself more. When you set boundaries, you open yourself up to deeper, more harmonious relationships.

There are many types of boundaries you can think about when considering what is important to you. They all have a place in your relationships and they can all be pushed or violated.

Types of Boundaries

- Material

Everyone has a different relationship with their possessions. For some, there is little attachment. They have a communal understanding of their property and give and lend their items freely. Others feel that borrowing without asking or taking something is a personal violation and find it unacceptable. Telling people what they can do with your things creates less friction down the road.

- Physical

Some people express affection or joy with physical touch. For the people who have a large personal bubble, this may be disturbing to them. While intentions are not always to disrupt someone’s space, you can find out for sure by letting them know how it makes you feel. If they respect how you receive affection, they will change their behavior.

- Mental

Your mind can often get weighed by too many thoughts, especially when they are negative. This can influence your perception of the world. By creating boundaries with the thoughts you allow in your head, you improve your own reality.

- Emotional

Emotions don’t feel like a choice, but they often are. Allowing someone or something to have an effect on your emotional wellbeing is a mental game. It can be incredibly hard to stop completely, but you can take steps to give it less real estate in your head.

- Sexual

Sexual boundaries are incredibly personal. What works for you and makes you feel safe may differ completely from your partner. Being explicit about boundaries can help promote a healthier and more equal sexual partnership.

- Spiritual

Faith is sometimes the most important thing in someone’s life. This boundary could involve the people in your faith community, your loved ones, or your higher power. Establish those lines around how your faith is respected and how you respect other faiths.

There are obviously many things to consider when deciding what is important to you in your relationships. If you break it down into the broader types, you can determine the boundaries that will help you thrive and enjoy life more.


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