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How You Can Practice Gratitude Every Day

A statue  of a woman amongst the trees

We all have problems in our lives that we have to deal with. Most people have a negative attitude towards problems and this can lead to a problem completely overwhelming them and making them feel depressed.

With an attitude of gratitude, you will be able to see the positives in all the problems that you experience in your life. Rather than having negative thoughts about them, you will see them as opportunities for you to grow as a person.

In this way, it is far less likely that any problem will overwhelm you or make you think negatively. Practicing gratitude regularly will give you a far more positive and optimistic outlook on your life. Here, we will outline some simple and powerful ways that you can practice gratitude each day.

1. Look at Your World From a Gratitude Perspective

We understand that you are busy, but we encourage you to take time out during your day to observe your reality from a gratitude point of view. Focus on your surroundings and look for things to be grateful for. That warm cup of coffee, your beautiful animal that’s beside you, or even the ability to stand up and move around at your leisure. You will probably take these things for granted and it should be easy for you to identify them and appreciate them.

It doesn’t matter how large or small the things that you notice are. Just see them as providing a lot of good in your life and express your gratitude for them. Do this every day and in a very short time, you will begin to do this on autopilot. You will look forward to these moments because of the feeling that you get from expressing your gratitude.

2. Write Everything Down in a Gratitude Journal

If you don’t have a gratitude journal, then now is a great time to start. A simple notepad will do. Make a commitment to make daily entries in your gratitude journal. When you wake up in the morning write 3 things that you are grateful for and the reasons why. Do the same before you go to sleep.

Also in the evening, you can record the things that you have been grateful for throughout your day. There is real power in writing things down and you can reflect on your gratitude journal entries every week to inspire you to continue on your gratitude journey.

3. Compliment Others More

Make a commitment to giving at least one compliment each day. This can be a compliment that you give to another person or something in your life that you are thankful for. When you give compliments to others, note how they feel about this and what they say to you. It will make you feel warm inside and want to keep going with your gratitude.

4. Turn Problems into Opportunities

We touched on this earlier. When you have an attitude of gratitude it will be much easier for you to see any problem as an opportunity for you to move out of your comfort zone and improve yourself. Start shifting your viewpoint on problems the moment they arise. Affirm to yourself that you can handle this, and ask yourself, what is the solution here? Each time you are faced with a problem try to think about what you can be grateful for with it.


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