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Simple Ways to Give Yourself a Reality Check

An arial view of a city at nighttime

For some people, change will never happen until they reach rock bottom. Until they’re forced to. By giving yourself a healthy and somewhat harsh dose of reality, you can avoid this proverbial drop and start seeing yourself for how you really are.

Shed the lens of self-denial with these reality check tips and start making moves to find your best self, and live your ultimate life.

The Past is Gone

Most of us spend a lot of time thinking about the past. Wish for a do-over, that constant question “what would you do, if you could do it over?”. But the truth is, none of that matters anymore. It’s all over with, holding onto your past weighs you down. It keeps you distracted from the present moment, and keeps you in fear of the future.

Busy and Productive Are Not the Same

Just because you’re busy, doesn’t mean you’re being productive. If you don’t have clear goals set, your business is just filling time. Rearranging your furniture or cleaning your room to avoid your term paper may seem like a productive use of your time, but it’s really just procrastination veiled as productivity. Manage your time more effectively.

Self-love is the Most Important

The relationship you have with yourself is far more important than any external relationship. Society conditions us to find our “better half”. Find yourself in your partner. This “path to happiness” is toxic and neglectful of yourself, a limiting belief that prevents you from developing a healthy respect for yourself as a person. Without this, you’ll struggle - from self-esteem to self-respect.

There is Time

When you learn to manage your time, you can be so much more productive than you ever thought possible. Use those checklists, get a planner, or whatever it takes to manage your time more effectively. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and you really do have time to make progress on or do that thing you need to do.

When you seem like you don’t have enough time consistently, that’s all on you.

Failure is Key to Success

Without failure, you can’t learn. While it’s scary, and many people go their whole lives doing their best to avoid it, failure is the best teacher. Through your failures, you will find the way that works for you.

Don’t be afraid to fail, because without learning what not to do, you’ll never learn the right way.


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